Saturday, February 26, 2011

Do fish sleep...

Side Note: This girl asked a million questions on this particular day..this was one I got.

Girl (about 9 or so): Do fish sleep?
Me: Well, lets find out. (I don't get too many reference questions in the Children's Department so I was stoked to put my skills to use - After a quick search this is what I found): Well, technically fish do not sleep but they have periods of rest where they conserve energy (or something scientific along those lines)
Girl: Well that makes sense since they don't have eyelashes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Boy ( 4 yrs old): I don't like sharks.
Me: Why not?
Boy: Cause sharks eat fish and some people like fish.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Girl (about 3, please note that she sang this to a very upbeat tune): Mama is crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy....

Mom: Hey!

Girl (who is also dancing, I might add) : Crazy, crazy, crazy